Google Business Profile statistics: no more discovery searches

Les statistiques sur la plateforme Partoo

It’s almost gone unnoticed but… Google is changing the way it categorises the different types of searches that lead to your listings. The distinction between direct, discovery and branded searches no longer exists.

This is a significant change when it comes to tracking the performance of your Google Business Profile. No need to panic, though! Google evolution allows you to track other types of statistics that will also be integrated into Partoo.

In this article we’ll talk about these changes, which should be seen as a great opportunity in the long term, even if right now you might consider them as problematic.

What is changing?

Google’s API is evolving, which has a direct impact on the statistics of your GBP listings. The change will be effective on 20 February 2023, when we will say goodbye to the old API.

Until now, Google differentiated between direct searches (“Starbucks St Pancras”), branded searches (“Starbucks”) and discovery searches (“coffee shop”).

insights search
Until now, Google distinguished 3 types of searches.

This feature was quite convenient for companies, as they could quickly measure the evolution of their local SEO.

Discovery searches are indeed one of the best ways to monitor the results of a web-to-store strategy on Partoo or on Google back-office, as they show how often your listings appear when people search for keywords related to your industry.

We are talking about Internet users who are not looking for your brand or your point of sale in particular; in fact, they don’t even know where to go before searching online.

In these searches you compete with the other businesses in your area. By optimizing your listings with the right categories, photos or attributes, you are more likely to appear in these competitive searches.

You should therefore follow this indicator very closely.

The statistics on Partoo so far

However, Google has decided to upgrade its reporting system and is encouraging users to migrate to its new API. 1% of queries concerning the old calculation method already results in an error message – it is deliberate on Google’s part. This percentage is expected to increase in the coming weeks, according to their technical teams.

The analytics “search” section has been replaced by the tab “keyword search”. The search type is no longer displayed.

Instead, we first see the list of searches divided by media and device (whether they were carried out through a computer, a smartphone, Google, Maps…) in the “views” section. Then, the most interesting factor: the keywords typed by the users who viewed your business listing among the results (“searches” section).

search performance
The new Google Business Profile statistics view

This is critical: thanks to keywords, you will know precisely how users find you online. They give you access to the details of each search that brings you traffic. The distinction between search types is finer and you can adapt your strategy accordingly.

Soon, this feature will also allow us to track your performance in detail on the Partoo platform.

The change may have been sudden, yet positive. These statistics are more relevant and accurate than the ones Google has been displaying until now.

Sure, it might be inconvenient at the moment, but it should also be seen as an opportunity to improve the tracking of your Google Business Profile statistics.

In the meantime, this is the only change to come on your Partoo platform. The section “direct, branded and discovery searches” will be replaced by keyword searches, but the rest will remain the same.

Here you can see all the features we offer to track your visibility statistics on the platform.

Any questions? Do not hesitate to contact our support teams.  

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By Beatriz Sierra Sanchez

Translation Project Manager

Beatriz has a degree in Translation and Interpreting and manages the translation department at Partoo. She ensures that all content is not only well translated but also adapted to each country.
Beatriz has a degree in Translation and Interpreting and manages the translation department at Partoo. She ensures that all content is not only well translated but also adapted to each country.

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