How to Promote Your Yoga Classes Online?

promote yoga classes

Ever since the COVID-19 crisis, a lot of consumers feel the need to take care of their well-being, from physical health to mental health. This is the reason why sectors of activities that are connected to wellness, such as yoga, are currently trending!

But how can you attract new yoga practitioners in your centre? Discover all the tips and tricks that can help you easily promote your yoga sessions online!

Make sure to have an attractive website

Nowadays, 86% of consumers learn about a company’s products and services online before making a purchase. So the best way to give a boost to your business is to use the internet to promote your yoga classes!

An optimised website is an indispensable asset for attracting new practitioners to your yoga centre. Therefore, your website should provide relevant information in order to arouse the curiosity of internet users. To make sure you have it right, you can focus on 3 main points.

Showcase your vision

Start by mentioning your centre’s exact address so the online users can find you easily. Most people that are interested in yoga are looking for a place where they can relax. Do not hesitate to add pictures that inspire calm and serenity. These photos will allow your potential clients to discover your vision and see if it corresponds to their expectations.

To do this, you can highlight the areas your clients can find in your centre (courtyards, changing rooms, etc.). Highlight furniture and accessories made of natural materials (bamboo, rattan, whicker) that serve to soften the atmosphere and reduce the stress. Plants can also contribute to well-being and health.

Partoo’s advice

Prioritise neutral colours like white (the colour of Kundalini Yoga) on your website. Your site showcases your centre, it should therefore reflect a sense of calm and relaxation. To obtain this effect, harmonise the colours of your web pages with those used in your centre (for example white walls, white website background).

Prioritise neutral colours like white (the colour of Kundalini Yoga) on your website. Your site showcases your centre, it should therefore reflect a sense of calm and relaxation. To obtain this effect, harmonise the colours of your web pages with those used in your centre (for example white walls, white website background).

Break down your programmes and practices

The services that you propose are the main thing that online users are looking for. Consequently, don’t hesitate to give details about your offers! Here’s how you can proceed:

  • Describe your course options (hatha yoga, yin yoga, prenatal yoga, senior yoga etc.);
  • Specify if your classes are online or not;
  • Mention the price or price range;
  • Add an introduction of your yoga instructors with short personal descriptions to create a sense of closeness with the users.

Additionally, you can talk about the sanitary measures that your centre has adopted since COVID-19 (maximum number of attendees per class, locker rooms regulations). This is a way of reassuring surfers about the conditions and safety of your classes!

Share your personal well-being tips

Giving tips and tricks can convince internet users to give you a call. It’s also a good way to engage with your existing clients. Don’t hesitate to post personalised blog articles on your website! For example, you can write an article on prenatal yoga explaining when, where and how to start.

Highlight the benefits that come with your classes (relieve physical tension, cultivate your mental strength…) while proposing one of your yoga instructors that specialises in a certain area (“In our team, Julie is an expert in prenatal yoga and knows how to adapt to clients’ needs.”). Using these tips and tricks will enable you to engage with your readers by showcasing your expertise.

Optimise your Google listing

Your Google My Business listing serves as a digital window into your yoga centre. It influences the internet user’s first impression of your business and this is exactly why it should be very well maintained.

On your Google listing, there are multiple functionalities that allow you to promote your yoga centre. Here’s some examples:

  • Specify the type of classes offered (online, on site) to avoid wasting the user’s time;
  • Publish photos (yoga classrooms, the team of instructors, photos during the classes) as often as you can to reassure users and increase their interest;
  • Offer to book a course with ease by making an appointment directly via Google;
  • Suggest categories (à la carte classes, private classes, group classes, etc.) to make it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for;
  • Add your special products/services (annual private lessons pack, 10 classes gift card, yoga mat) to quickly present all the offers available in your centre.

Take advantage of your social media networks

Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok and Youtube have become essential tools for reaching consumers quickly and easily. There are many ways to impact and improve your image through these platforms, here are some examples:

Use an influencer

Using influences has become a great way to obtain visibility on social media. To share as much as possible about your yoga centre, invite an influencer and let them discover your world (presentation of the instructors, the classrooms, etc.). Share your philosophy with them so they understand the essence of your activity. Finally, offer them to participate for free in a class of their choice so that they can express their opinions on their networks! Make the influencer live a dream-like experience in your centre.

On the other hand, negotiate with them to promote your centre with their followers. Additionally, propose them to share a promo code of -10% on the first yoga class with their followers.

Organise a charity-yoga day

Charity yoga allows you to promote your centre while improving its image. It’s why you should not falter in creating partnerships with different associations, like NGOs.

For example, you can organise a yoga session where the money gathered will go towards an association of your choice. On Instagram and TikTok, share the objectives of your fundraiser (amount desired, cause defended, impact of this action) and add an explanatory interview (video) of the association. Start an Instagram Live during the event for greater impact. In the end, present on Instagram the results of your project. Add interviews with participants, add the amount raised and don’t forget to thank everyone!

Create an online challenge

An online challenge is a way to promote your yoga centre in a fun way. Participants will mention and follow your yoga centre on the social network where the competition is held. You will gain followers and therefore potential customers!

For example, share a post on Instagram asking users to post their best yoga pose on their Instagram story, tagging your facility. 

The participant who publishes their best posture, wins a free session of their choice in your establishment with a personalised yoga mat!

Send engaging emails

Sending emails allows you to keep in touch and share information with your (potential) customers. The aim is to keep the readers curious about your offers and services. 

Here are some ideas for emails that could help you promote your yoga classes:

Share original newsletters

Customers who decide to receive newsletters expect fresh content. Newsletters should be kept occasionally (once a month) to avoid driving readers away. 

For example, to mark the new year 2023, you can offer to help the reader keep their New Year’s resolutions regarding stress relief. In your message, offer some effective techniques to combat stress and highlight your yoga classes as a way to keep it going. Why not take advantage of your website and share a blog post where you go into more detail with your advice?

Offer a referral deal

Referral is a key player in prospecting that allows you to attract new customers with little effort.

A client who is already a member of your centre can refer friends and family to you while earning something. For example, the client member can earn -10% on his next session for each relative who registers for your courses. If they manage to bring 3 friends and family members, they can get 30% off their next yoga session with you.

That’s it! You now have all the cards in hand to bring new yoga enthusiasts to your centre. Don’t hesitate to adapt these tips to your services and structure to obtain the best results!

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By Raluca Radulescu

Content writer

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