Top 5 Misconceptions of Local SEO

If you are here, the term “local SEO” might always be ringing in your ear. There is never an end to hearing about features on Google My Business or how to optimise your online presence. These keywords are strategies you must always follow, but do you know what the facts about these different terminologies are? 

Here are a few guidelines to steer you in the right direction, and away from the different misconceptions on local SEO.  

What is local SEO?

Firstly, let’s dive into the definition of local SEO. Generally, it is a search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy that helps your business to be more visible in local search results on Google. Recent research shows that 92% of searchers select businesses on the first page of local search results. It is now the way to gain potential customers and a new form for them to discover your business.

It seems daunting at first, but once you know the right facts and gain general knowledge about the topic, it gets easier. And soon it’ll be imprinted in your minds about how to implement a good local SEO strategy for your business, and what it truly means. 

Quashing those misconceptions 

Misconceptions about local SEO are often seen everywhere all over the internet, and you might not know which one is correct and which isn’t. It can be a vague topic that would be talked about in different sectors in a workplace, it also might seem like another language to some, and others think they know what it means but misunderstood the concept. It’s best to not be confused about what are the right steps to take in order to gain a great strategy. 

1) I need to have a physical store/office 

You do not need to have a physical store or office in your target location, you can just fill in your area in Google My Business without needing to specify it. This will definitely improve your visibility on local search results even though you don’t have a physical station! 

2) If need a website to appear in local search results

A lot of people tend to think that not having a website, although it can be a big advance, will not generate a good local SEO strategy. However it is possible through Google business listings, and social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, etc to build your online presence, and get found in local search results.

3) I need to have big expenses for a good local SEO strategy

Local SEO really does not require a lot of technical knowledge or expenses at all. Coming up with different strategies may seem daunting, but there are several affordable options, such as hiring a local SEO agency, for example, Partoo can be an affordable solution. Additionally, manually ensuring optimisation on Google My Business as it is free a free tool you can certainly take advantage of this to achieve a good local SEO strategy and releasing content.

4) I don’t need to create content for local search results 

Content is a ranking factor for Google, it is certainly highly valuable for both organic and local search results. Updating and constant upkeep with content will definitely increase your results on the landing pages. Ensuring quality content is always a plus, specifically in terms of the description of your business, location, information about the services and products that can be found at your location, or other information. You can create content in many different variations such as posts, articles, social media, stories. As long as you regularly maintain a regular posting schedule, it will be highly beneficial in local search results. 

5) I need a lot of reviews and don’t need to respond to them all 

A lot of people tend to think that the quantity of reviews are more important than quality and more frequent reviews. Just because you have over 200 reviews does not mean that you have reached your goal for local SEO. The reviews need to be frequent, and you need to reply to all of them. Even the negative ones. Although having all these reviews seem good, there will be no achievement in your local search results if they are not constant and answered appropriately. 

The influence of reviews is certainly increasing. Nowadays, reviews are the deciding point for users to choose whether they want to use your services or not. So both positive and negative can affect the choice of a user in a local search. It’s always best to respond to all reviews, even if some negative ones can be hard to. Check out how to respond to negative reviews with a professional approach. 

Local SEO is always a tricky concept to master, but don’t worry if you’re still having doubts or questions about it, talk to one of the local SEO experts here at Partoo for free to help your business get found… online! 

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